Plant natives at homeSome of the bushcare sites along the Iron Cove to Cooks River corridor are very narrow, so planting on nearby properties can contribute significantly to the health of the bushland sites, help attract more native birds and animals and make it easier for them to roam. This is especially the case if you live within 100m of the rail line.
Local is best If you do decide to plant natives, it is best to choose local-provenance species. The term local provenance means plants that have been grown from seed produced by plants that are native to this district. These plants are perfectly adapted to local soils and climate, so they should grow well. It also means their unique genetic characteristics are not lost by bringing in strains from elsewhere. Because of height restrictions, it is difficult to plant trees in the rail corridor, so if you can plant some trees that are native to the Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forests that used to cover the inner west, that will enhance the integrity of the bush corridor we are making. Nurseries Marrickville Community Nursery and Rozelle Bay Community Nursery propagate and sell a wide variety of local-provenance natives. What you can buy depends on the time of year and what they have been propagating, but Marrickville often has several species available from its list of Cooks River Valley natives. |